Welcome to the Fairmont Chamber of Commerce
The Fairmont Chamber of Commerce became a Non-Profit on May 27, 1975.
Many things have changed, but our dedication to the Town of Fairmont remains strong.
We are looking forward to a bright future. Our hope is for you to continue supporting our efforts.
Our current initiatives include support for the "Student of Excellence Program", at Fairmont High School, the Fairmont Farmers Festival, directional signs for visitors to promote "the Closest Route to the Beach", support the preservation of the history of Fairmont.
We hold concerts annually and host an annual "Golf Tournament" as a fundraiser. We are excited to include many more initiatives, in the future.
Please let this welcome, serve as an "open Invitation" for prospective members.
Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, at 6:00 pm.
Listed on this website are our "Membership Form" in a fillable format for an Easy-Online Submission and a PDF-Printable format.
Membership Dues
- Business Level Membership $65.00
- Individual Level Membership $40.00
All membership levels include your invitation to the Annual Christmas Party.
We hope you consider joining us!
Whitney Johnson - President Email: fairmontchamberofcommerce@gmail.com | Mickey Williamson - Vice President Phone: 910-734-1656 Email: fairmontchamberofcommerce@gmail.com |

Cherry Nail Bar & Tea 225 South Main Street Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-856-6666 Website: https://www.facebook.com/cherrynailbarandtea |

Dairy Queen of Lumberton 5030 Fayetteville Rd Lumberton, NC 28358 Phone: 910-674-4557 Website: https://www.dairyqueen.com/en-us/locations/nc/lumberton/5030-fayettevil… |

Divine Treasures 412 N Walnut St, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-5562 Website: https://divine-treasures.edan.io/ |

Fairmont ABC Store 200 N. Walnut St. Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-7747 |
Fairmont Golf Club 11979 NC-130 Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-9931 Website: https://fairmontgolfcourse.com/ |

Fairmont Housing Authority 501 McDaniel Street, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-7467 Website: https://www.fairmonthousing.org/ |

Fairmont Eye Clinic 204 Iona St Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-8316 Website: https://www.facebook.com/fairmonteyeclinic/ |
FastTz & Signs 94 Three Hunts Dr. Pembroke, North Carolina 28372 Phone: 910-827-0017 Website: https://www.fasttz.com/ |
First Bank 301 S. Main St. Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-6311 Website: https://localfirstbank.com/branches/fairmont/ |
Floyd -Napa Auto Parts 108 N Walnut St Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-7733 Website: https://www.napaonline.com/en/NC/Fairmont/store/27763?cid=pl_DAC_jobber_FloydAutoParts_27763 |

Gaston Sealey Co, Inc 2289 Industrial Dr, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 800-542-9012 Website: https://gastonsealey.com/ |

Hannah Mini Storage 404 Stephens St, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-5008 Website: https://www.hannahministorage.com/ |

Imagine Bee Studio LLC Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 603-287-1856 Website: https://imaginebeestudio.com/?fbclid=IwAR0NH_TC0b5lLu1TNHxrJJ3fdD4vc_x_… |

Jeffery G. Lewis, CPA 1211 South Walnut Street Post Office Box 5 Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-5348 Fax: 910-628-9611 Website: https://jeffreyglewiscpa.com/ |

Keba's Sweets LLC 323 S Main Street Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-770-4796 Website: www.facebook.com/p/Kebas-Sweets-LLC |

Lewis-Brady Builders Supply 706 N Walnut St, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-7775 Website: https://www.facebook.com/p/Lewis-Brady-Builders-Supply-Inc |

Rainey’s Secondhand LLC 236 S Main St Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 973-570-2083 Website: https://www.facebook.com/RaineySecondhand/ |

Robeson Insurance Agency, Inc 405 S Main St, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-8311 Website: https://www.allstate.com/ |

Simply Beautiful Salon 323 S Main St, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-736-8547 Website: https://www.simplybeautifulsalons.com/ |

Zaberan's Seafood 213 S Main St, Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 843-632-1138 Website: https://www.zaberans.com/ |

Town of Fairmont, North Carolina 421 South Main St. Fairmont, NC 28340 Phone: 910-628-9766 Website: Fairmont, North Carolina (fairmontnc.gov) |
Amanda & Fonnie Smith |
Angie & Mike Lovin |
Audrey & Carter McNeese |
Butch Lennon |
Dianna & Rory McKeithan |
Helene & Phillip Wall |
Jackie & Wyatt Mapp |
June & Frank Floyd |
Linda & Ricky Vause |
Margaret & Fagan Inman |
Mary L. & Jim Pate |
Maurice Townsend |
Susan & Mickey Williamson |
Toni & Andrew Grimsley |
Town of Fairmont, Commissioner J.J McCree |
Town of Fairmont, Manager Jerome Chestnut |
Town of Fairmont, Mayor Charles Kemp |
Whitney & Jason Johnson |
Abby Gipe |
Saberina Singletary |
Carol King |