Government Structure
Fairmont's Board of Commissioners consists of a six member board and Mayor with four year staggered terms. The board appoints a Town Manager to run the day to day business of the town. The board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Fairmont Council Chambers.(Heritage Center)
Town Mission Statement
“The Town of Fairmont is a municipal government whose mission is to promote and support a high quality of life for its residents. The Town's business is service. The Town will provide quality service delivery through staff development and training; positive leadership and the provision of a desirable work environment, ensuring maximum staff contribution and the highest achievable level of service excellence and customer satisfaction. Service delivery will be cost effective, based on the needs of the community and the requirements of federal, state and local laws and ordinances. The Town of Fairmont strives to improve business by continuously improving and upgrading service methods and tools. Our goal is to preserve, improve, protect, and enhance the quality of life within our community and surrounding communities. The Town supports everyone's right to obtain safe, decent and sanitary housing and to live in a safe and secure environment. The Town will safeguard everyone's right to be treated with respect, dignity, sensitivity and fairness and to pursue a higher standard of living. We, the Town of Fairmont pledge to strive daily to fulfill this mission statement.”

Mayor, Charles Kemp
405 N Main Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-740-0277
Email: ckemp1@nc.rr.com
Term Expires: 12/2025

Mayor Pro-Tempore, Clarence McNeill, Jr.
106 Delano Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-416-3947
Email: clarence_mcneill@att.net
Term Expires: 12/2025

Commissioner, J.J. McCree
301 East Pine Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-734-5631
Email: jeffery357mac@yahoo.com
Term Expires: 12/2027

Commissioner, Jan Tedder-Rogers
300 Martin Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-774-3931
Email: jtedder001@aol.com
Term Expires: 12/2027

Commissioner, Heather Seibles
304 Mulberry Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-734-5358
Email: heatherseibles33@gmail.com
Term Expires: 12/2027

Commissioner, Terry Evans
104 West Pine Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-301-1709
Email: evansterry1964@gmail.com
Term Expires: 12/2025

Commissioner, Melvin Ellison
702 North Main Street
Fairmont, NC 28340
Phone: 910-740-4255
Email: melvin.ellison5@gmail.com
Term Expires: 12/2025

Town Attorney, Jessica Scott
203 College Street
Pembroke, NC 28372
Phone: 910-719-9595
Email: jessicas@huntbrookslaw.com